Thursday, March 26, 2020

Chemist Tutors - How to Find a Chemistry Tutor Online Job

Chemist Tutors - How to Find a Chemistry Tutor Online JobAlthough you can find Chemistry Tutors on the internet, some people like to think about a job that is more hands-on than that. If you are going to be a tutor then there are a few things that you need to know about getting a job. If you are not interested in being the main contact between students and teachers then you may want to consider other options.One option for a Chemistry Tutor is a part-time job. This type of job can be done from home or in a dorm room. If you work a regular day job then you might as well ask for overtime pay your bills. However, if you are looking for a steady paycheck then you might want to get into a part time position and become your own boss.Tuting for a regular tutor could lead to a part-time job as well. This can be a good option if you have already taken up a chemistry subject such as Chemistry and are in need of extra income. It will also help if you know another teacher that could be teaching a class as well. You can make money in the process and it could take up a lot of your time if you are working a regular job.Good jobs are available in two ways. There are companies who hire students as Chemistry Tutors and provide paychecks and there are some people who offer their services online. There are a number of websites that list postings and details on paid posts that can give you a good idea of how easy it is to become a Chemistry Tutor.If you are willing to take on an online job you will need to have the computer skills necessary to do a good job. Make sure that you have good spelling and grammar skills and if you know what a chemistry equation looks like then you will be very handy.You may think that this could be an excellent option if you are a student and would like to learn the chemical properties of a substance. The problem with this type of job is that you need to know a lot of different topics before you can become a good Chemistry Tutor. It would take you years to learn all the chemical compounds and to come up with a strategy for teaching chemistry to students.You may also think that this is not for you. Some people would just love to tutor in the comfort of their own home and for this type of job you need to have at least one hand on the keyboard and not allow yourself to be distracted by messages and emails. If you do have a computer then there are several websites that are specifically made for Chemistry Tutors to post their own chemistry job.

Friday, March 6, 2020

10 Famous Examples of Economic Collapse

10 Famous Examples of Economic Collapse There Are Many Examples of Financial Collapse ChaptersThe Financial Crisis in 2008The Dot-Com BubbleShocks to Oil Prices in 1973The Great DepressionThe French Revolution Is a Lesson in Economic CollapseThe Banking Crisis of 1763The Mississippi BubbleThe South Sea Company Economic CrashTulip Mania Almost Drove the Netherlands to Financial CollapseSpain’s Economic Crash in the 1600sLearn About the Causes Behind An Economic CrashFinancial crises are nothing new. In fact, they’ve been happening for hundreds of years. Below, we highlight some of the most famous examples of economic decline.shrinking GDP; andminimal economic growththe world over. Although recovery is thought to have begun in 1933, it took many more years for countries such as the United States to get back to their pre-crash state.You A Level economics tutors will certainly drill on these four economic quakes!The French Revolution Is a Lesson in Economic CollapseAs noted above, not all financial crises are recent, and there are plenty of examples of economic crashe s even from hundreds of years ago.Although the French Revolution of 1789 is more associated with, well revolution, it is equally true that the revolution began as a result of economic crisis, debt, and ultimately economic collapse in France.Although it almost certainly was not his intention, King Louis XVI’s spending to support the American army during the American Revolution was in part to blame for his own downfall.French spending on the war, coupled with the lavish expenses of the Crown and the upper classes, meant that ordinary French people were left in poverty, with little food or financial support, and revolution quickly ensued.Overspending on the American Revolution led to a financial collapse in France. (Source: Public Domain, Szaaman, Wikimedia Commons)The West Indies.Due to the company’s vast interests and profit-making potential, the valuation of the company increased beyond all rational measure, until, in 1720, the value of the shares in the company crashed, bringin g the stock market in France down along with it, whilst also proving that stock market crashes are not a recent invention.The South Sea Company Economic CrashWhilst France had its own Mississippi bubble, the United Kingdom wasn’t immune from a similar bubble of its own.In Britain’s case, the bubble centred around the South Sea Company, which was also the subject of intense speculation on the stock market. Although its value grew to insane heights, in 1720 the price of the stock crashed, which had a significant impact on the British economy and economic activity.Tulip Mania Almost Drove the Netherlands to Financial CollapseOne of the most famous crashes of the past is the near collapse of the Dutch economy following a period of tulip fever between 1636 and 1637. It is considered to be the first instance of an economic bubble, with the South Sea bubble and the Mississippi bubble, both noted above, being other early examples.In essence, what happened was that tulips, after their in troduction to the Netherlands at the end of the 16th century, became incredibly popular and everyone wanted one. However, as tulips are seasonal flowers, a future’s market was created, which meant that customers could buy the right to purchase a tulip bulb at a later date.However, this led to speculation in the market, which drove up the price of the tulips to unbelievable levels, with some people even selling their land or years’ worth of salary to purchase them. Unsurprisingly, the market crashed in 1637, leaving many people poor. In 2017, the film Tulip Fever was made, which is set during the tulip bubble.Tulip fever in Holland led to a small financial collapse. (Source: CC0 1.0, MabelAmber, Pixabay)Spain’s Economic Crash in the 1600sThe Spanish Empire was famous for its exploration of the New World, and notably for their search for gold. The riches that Spain was able to extract from places such as the Americas bolstered Spain’s currency and purse strings, making Spain o ne of the most powerful empires on the globe.However, continual wars drained Spain of its money, as well as the fact that the almost constant stream of gold and silver produced inflation within its monetary supply.Overall, Spain’s riches proved to be a blessing as well as a curse, with the country declaring bankruptcy six times in the 17th century, in:1607;1627;1647;1652;1662; and1666Learn About the Causes Behind An Economic CrashThe above examples are just some of the most famous examples of economic collapse. As a result, it’s likely that you’ll have come across one or two of these examples during your A-level or university studies in economics.Fundamentally, each economic crisis is different, as they range from disasters caused by speculative behaviour in stock markets to banking systems that collapse and cause mass panic and a global slowdown. As a result, it's best to learn as much about the most famous economic crises as possible, as they all have their own unique causes and effects.If you want to learn more about economic crashes, and in particular what causes them, then you may look at hiring an economics tutor to help you understand more about these economic crises.A tutor can:Walk you through the key events that led to an economic crisis;Help you identify whether there are any common trends or similarities between collapses; andProvide you with relevant examples that you can use in a piece of coursework or essay.Superprof has more than one economics tutor near me that is familiar with the study of economic collapse, and they’d be more than happy to help you succeed in your future economic studies.Find out who are the most influential economists.See yet more of the world's top economists.Read some of the best books on economics.Explore the concept of economic modelling.

English Idioms related to Weather - Intermediate Level English

English Idioms related to Weather - Intermediate Level English Weather is really such a popular topic in Britain and Ireland. So Ive decided to continue writing about English idioms related to weather and here are I have 10 more for you. Idioms related to Weather A STORM IN A TEACUPStorms are usually not pleasant events. Lots of rain and thunder and high winds. However, sometimes people are over dramatic and prone to exaggeration. A teacup is quite small normally so even though we may spill a drop or two of tea it is not the end of the world.ex. Harvey was inclined to exaggerate sometimes. He usually made things appear more serious than they were. On one occasion he was shouting that the machine was broken and it was going to cost a fortune to fix it. However, he had forgotten to switch on the power. A real storm in a teacup.TO STEAL SOMEONES THUNDEREveryone likes to be the centre of attention and particularly if they have been preparing for some special event for some time. To steal someone’s thunder means that someone takes the attention away from you either deliberately or accidentally.ex. Mary was getting married and had spent months planning her dress and clothes for her special day. Imagine how she felt when on the big day her cousin arrived at the wedding reception wearing an identical dress and shoes! She really stole her thunder!SAVE IT FOR A RAINY DAYGenerally when it rains we get frustrated as we can not go out as it is too wet. We might if we have money choose to go to the cinema or somewhere where it is dry and warm. So it is always good to have some money to use in this situation. We often use this expression when we save some money without knowing when it will be needed. It is my rainy day money or I am saving it for a rainy day.ex. Peter asked his father if he would bring him to the shopping centre to buy some books. He offered to pay but his father said No, I will get these. Save your money for a rainy day. You never know when you might need it.ALL IN A FOG confusedex. When we saw Michael that evening, he was all in a fog  about what to do.CAST A CLOUD OVER ruin, depressex. This new decision casts a cloud over  a region that is a driver of global growth.WEATHER THE STORM get through a difficult sit uationex. The financial crisis that started in 2007 wasnt a pleasant experience for anyone but somehow the company weathered the storm.MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES a farmers work depends on the weather. He has to make hay while the sun shines. We can also use it in metaphorical meaning to take advantage of a good opportunity.ex. The good news wont last forever. So lets make hay while the sun shines. Idioms related to Weather - Infographic Enjoyed this infographic? Here’s what you can do next: TAKE A RAIN CHECKIf we are not certain that we want to do something and we do not wish to commit ourselves we often say no, I think I will take a rain check. It means we decline an invitation or an offer and will perhaps do it again another time.ex. David was sitting at home relaxing. It had been a busy week. His friend Mark called to see if he wanted to go to the match as he had another ticket. David said thanks, but no, thanks. I think I will take a rain check on that. I am really tired. Perhaps another time.RAIN ON SOMEONES PARADEA parade is a happy time. A festival of fun at Christmas or Easter and always enjoyable. People in the streets with lots of music singing and fun. We do not like it if it rains at the time of the parade as people have no where to shelter and it spoils the occasion. So in our life we do not like it if someone spoils our fun and enjoyment when they rain on our parade.ex. Breda was due to celebrate her birthday. She had invited her best friends to her home f or some food and to have a good time. Her father told her she had to cancel as he had very important clients coming to the house that night for a meeting. Breda was heartbroken she really felt as if her father had rained on her parade.COME RAIN OR SHINEWhatever the weather we get out and do what we had planned. If you lived in a country like Ireland or England where the weather can change a few times a day you cannot let the weather interfere with your plans. You just have to get on and do it. So when we promise someone to do something we often say oh, yes come rain or shine. It means we can rely on them.ex. Conor was looking forward to the weekend. He had arranged a game of football with his college friends. He needed one more player so he called Paul. Can you play football on Saturday Paul ? Yes certainly what time and where? Great. Now, are you sure you will come? Yes, definitely, I will be there come rain or shine New English Vocabulary Words and Phrases to be prone to something to tend to do something or experience something (usually bad or unpleasant)occasion time when something happensto rely (on somebody) to depend on somebodyexaggeration when somebody makes something appear more important or worse than it really isto decline to refuseto commit to give your time and energy to something that you believe inenjoyment pleasure, happiness or satisfactionto spoil to ruin

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Oral Practice Strategy 5-Finger Drill

Oral Practice Strategy 5-Finger Drill Repeating a word or phrase aloud will help you remember it.   Saying a vocabulary item aloud increases your ability to remember it by 10% (MacLeod, et al., 2010). Even mouthing the word improves your ability to remember it.   5-finger drill To really make a word or phrase stick in your memory, use the five-finger drill. Say the word aloud five times, counting on your fingers. When it comes time to write, you will remember the item more easily, freeing cognitive resources for other aspects of your writinglike checking your writing for errors. Repeat numbers, words, phrases, and sentences aloud 5 times to help you remember them. It may seem strange at first and you may worry that people will think you odd, but they will get used to it and admire you for your strategic approach to learning.   More importantly, you will begin noticing how easy it is to remember the items you rehearsed in this way. Try it today. it works! References MacLeod, C. M., Gopie, N., Hourihan, K. L., Neary, K. R., Ozubko, J. D. (2010). The production effect: Delineation of a phenomenon.  Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 36(3), 671-685. Please follow and like us:


ENGLISH MODERN SCHOOL - AL WAKRA ENGLISH MODERN SCHOOL - AL WAKRA I am honored to be the Head of The English Modern School and Kindergarten Wakra campus, where faculty and staff are committed to educating the young mind in an inspiring and challenging learning environment. Our students strive to be Critical Thinkers and Dynamic Achievers in line with our schools mission and vision. English Modern School and Kindergarten prides itself in putting students at the heart of everything we do, by motivating and challenging them to achieve their full potential as Independent Learners. Through our expected schoolwide learning results and rich curriculum we nurture students individuality by helping them to become Global Citizens, who can impact their world. Our schools character education program teaches tolerance and empathy which gives students life skills in becoming Ethical Individuals. The schools environment and facilities are designed to facilitate teaching and learning, and we are fortunate to have skilled, dedicated and knowledgeable staff who deliver excellent teaching and instructions to students. Our staff is committed to providing our students with exceptional learning experiences in and out of the classroom. We aim to meet the students holistic learning and developmental needs in and out of the school by working in partnership with all of our stakeholders. We value and embrace the crucial role that our school plays in Wakra community, and our contribution to the State of Qatar is of great importance to us. Hence, we work closely with parents and stakeholders to meet the ever-growing demands of students and our school community in the fast-paced world of 21st-century education. It is imperative that we continually improve students overall educational attainment and work with parents to ensure that students attend school regularly and are ready to learn. We would not relent in our efforts to bring out the best in every child and ensure that no child is left behind in their education because every child matters; the children are at the center of all we do as educators and collaborative facilitators of learning and development. On behalf of The English Modern School and Kindergarten board of directors, faculty, staff, and students thank you for visiting our website. Please contact us should you need any additional information. Thank you for entrusting us with the care and learning of your children. Omolola Wright Odusoga Head of School

St. Paul American School - Daechi

St. Paul American School - Daechi St. Paul American School - Daechi Saint Paul Daechi Academy enriches our students to strive to do their ultimate best striving to meet the principles of excellence. SPDA endeavors to help our students become globally skilled leaders through its international educational system. 1. Saint Paul is a branch institute of our existing St. Paul Prep in Minnesota, USA which will provide, together with its curriculum, extra oversight over our Daechi campus operation. 2. Students registered at SPDA who meet all academic requirements upon completion will receive a certificate of completion. 3. We offer after-hours test prep courses to students to prepare them for admission to prestigious colleges by participating in SAT, TOEFL sessions and participating in our evening Study Hall hours. 4. Seamless campus transfers: Students may attend other global campuses of Saint Paul in Beijing, Clark, Shanghai, Paris, and USA. 5. We will provide Chinese Language as a regular foreign language subject from beginner level to advanced.

6 Dream Jobs That Require You Know a Second Language

6 Dream Jobs That Require You Know a Second Language 6 Dream Jobs That Require You Know a Second Language You remember when you were young and dreamed big.Now those elusive dream jobs loom haughtily in the distance and seem further away than theyve ever been.They taunt you as you stock shelves, file paperwork or repeat for the 5,000th time that there are no returns on used underwear.But theres one way to turn your dreams into a reality: learn a second language.Yes, there are plenty of great  jobs for people who know a foreign language. There are  jobs that require German, jobs that require French,  jobs that require Spanish  and jobs that require a number of other languages.If youre job-hunting, chances are strong that theres a recruiter out there who would love to spot your  resume or CV shining like a glowing beacon of hope in a pile of monolinguals.Whether youre looking for full-time work or a way to  make money on the side, theres no shortage of  jobs for language majors  or anyone fluent in more than one language.While dream jobs might be a little harder to land, knowing an extra la nguage can still give you a leg up! How Do Second Language Learners Fare in the Workforce?Apart from having their first pick of jobs that require a second language, being bilingual has other advantages out in the field.Theres an increasing demand for bilingual workers. New American Economy reports that demand for bilingual workers more than doubled between 2010 and 2015. Thats a lot of new jobs that need qualified bilingual (or multilingual) candidates!According to the Chicago Tribune, foreign-language careers are on the rise in a number of different fields. These fields include finance, healthcare, social services, information technology and more, so learning a second language can increase your employability in almost any field you can imagine.Additionally, bilingual workers often earn more than their monolingual counterparts. AOL Finance reports that bilingual workers earn between 5% and 20% more than the base rate per hour. That means a position that would ordinarily pay $12 pe r hour might pay bilingual workers $12.60 to $14.40 per hour. Over time, that extra pay can really add up!6 Dream Jobs That Require You Know a Second LanguageNot every job offers excitement, intrigue and a vehicle to use your language skills, but each of these dream jobs packs all that into one thrilling career path. Living your dream is nice; getting paid to live your dream is even better.International Sales ManagerIf youre outgoing, persuasive and multilingual, a career in international sales might be your ticket to happiness.In any sector that produces goods, youre likely to find international sales positions. Many international sales positions focus on B2B sales, which means business to business. Businesses often sell their products to other businesses, and while these negotiations are often considered more complex, they can also be tremendously satisfying for a skilled negotiator. Plus, they often pay more due to the perceived difficulty.International sales positions may requir e traveling abroad or negotiating from a local office. Regardless of where you work, international sales positions often require language skills and enough cultural competency to avoid offending.To pursue a career in international sales, its helpful to have a bachelors degree in business administration and/or experience in sales. Speaking one or more world languages is also important, particularly for specialized fields with strong regional ties.For instance, if you want to go into ginseng sales, youll undoubtedly need to know Chinese. In general, Chinese is useful for anyone looking to go into international sales since China is a huge market with a lot of spending power.While salaries can vary wildly, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that sales managers make a median salary of $117,960 per year.Study Abroad CoordinatorIf youre passionate about the educational power of travel, a job as a study abroad coordinator might make your heart soar.These coordinators serve as a universi tys go-to person for study abroad opportunities. As such, they promote study abroad programs, provide students with information, consult with students on how the study abroad opportunity fits into their education, prepare students for travel and monitor international safety issues. They also handle administrative tasks associated with study abroad programs.Study abroad coordinators are usually expected to have traveled abroad themselves. In addition to language skills, they may often have masters or doctoral degrees in related fields like business administration and/or student affairs.The most useful languages to speak are from countries that are likely to host study abroad programs. Spanish, French, German, Italian, Japanese and Chinese are some of the most frequently spoken languages in study abroad programs, so learning any of these languages will be useful.According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary for postsecondary education administrators is $90,760, though this varies based on rank, region and school.Foreign Service OfficerIf you want to use your language skills while representing your country abroad, a career as a foreign service officer might be right up your alley.Foreign service officers serve as representatives of their home nation in countries throughout the world. Depending on their career track, they might help Americans abroad, protect American borders, work to negotiate with foreign governments, manage embassy operations, promote mutual understanding and more. If youre U.S. based, you can find more information on foreign service career tracks from the U.S. Department of State.Skill and experience requirement vary by position, but due to the international nature of the positions, language skills are always useful. Since foreign service officers are stationed all over the world, any language may be useful. Widely spoken languages like Chinese, Spanish, French and Arabic will provide you with more flexibility, though learning an uncommon language can set you apart from other candidates.Pay scales vary based on position and location.International Development Program OfficerIf you love helping people, a job in international development might float your proverbial boat.International development jobs focus on helping communities across the world. This may involve addressing issues like health, clean water, economic development, energy, the environment and more.Both governmental and non-governmental organizations employ program officers to oversee international development programs.Technical-oriented positions may require exceptional technical expertise, while other positions require more administrative skills. Since international development workers often work abroad, its important that they have enough language skills to interact with locals. Other relevant areas of study might include healthcare, economics and international development.Devex provides job listing in the international development field that you apply for or use to plot your career path.The language skills you need are based largely on what region youll focus on. Since Spanish and French are spoken in many countries around the world (if not as a first language, as a common second language), these are particularly useful. Learning a more specific regional language can help provide additional direction for your career path.Foreign CorrespondentWhile journalism jobs are on the decline, foreign language speakers with a passion for sharing the most pertinent world stories might still seek out an exciting career as a foreign correspondent.International journalists and foreign correspondents travel throughout the world to cover breaking news stories. Theyre often in the field for major disasters, including extreme weather and armed conflict. This makes it an appealing career for adrenaline junkies.Knowing additional languages is a valuable skill for foreign correspondents since it allows them to interview people in their nativ e languages. Additionally, those seeking these jobs usually need a minimum of a bachelors degree. Journalism and communication are popular majors, though journalists covering more specialized fields may benefit from studying political science, economics and/or law.The languages most in demand depend on what region youre covering and where news is happening. Since international correspondents often focus on conflict regions, learning the languages of these regions is particularly useful.For instance, since much news coverage focuses on the Middle East, Russia and North Korea, languages that are currently useful include Arabic, Russian and Korean. The news is constantly changing, though, so this can turn on a dime.Intelligence OperativeEveryones seen a spy movie.While all the gadgets and glamour might not be real, intelligence positions remain a legitimate option for avid linguaphiles.Being an intelligence operative doesnt necessarily involve sneaking into parties to follow around sha dy characters. It might involve field work, but there are also many positions in analysis, STEM and support.If youre based in the US, the CIA website offers a helpful breakdown of job categories.While there are foreign language roles that focus predominantly on language skills, these skills are useful for any intelligence position. Most CIA positions require a minimum of a bachelors degree and a strong GPA and necessary skills often include analytical abilities. Each individual position also has additional education and experience requirements, so if this is a field youre interested in, it will be beneficial to look at specific job requirements before proceeding.The U.S. has identified a number of languages that are particularly needed for national security, so you might consider studying these critical languages  if youre looking for a position in intelligence.Pay grades vary by rank and position, but salaries start around $50,000 and go up to over $100,000.The existential dread of working a lackluster job doesnt have to last forever. With the right language skills, you can get your foot in the door of that dream job! And One More ThingYou can start training for your dream job with FluentU. FluentU makes it possible to learn languages  from music videos, commercials, news and inspiring talks.With FluentU, you learn real languagesâ€"the same way that real people speak them. FluentU has a wide variety of videos, like movie trailers, funny commercials and web series, as you can see here:FluentU App Browse ScreenFluentU has interactive captions that let you tap on any word to see an image, definition, audio and useful examples. Now native language content is within reach with interactive transcripts.Didnt catch something? Go back and listen again. Missed a word? Hover over or tap on the subtitles to instantly view definitions.FluentU Interactive TranscriptsYou can learn all the vocabulary in any video with FluentUs quiz mode. Swipe left or right to see  more ex amples for the word you’re learning.FluentU Has Quizzes for Every VideoAnd FluentU always keeps track of vocabulary that you’re learning. It uses that vocab to give you a 100% personalized experience by recommending videos and examples.